
For all of the following samples you will have to add using ConfirmationDialogs; to the top of your file.

So let’s just ask the user for a simple Confirmation:

if (Confirmation.Confirm()) {
	//Executed only if the user confirmed that he is willing to continue

Or we could change the warning displayed:

Confirmation.Confirm("This is a test warning");

When we want the user to retype a phrase (“CONFIRM” by default) we can do it by the following:

Confirmation.Confirm(confirmByRetyping: true);

As you might have noticed you can skip any confirmation dialog by pressing the shift key.


If you want to skip all confirmation dialogs, e.g. because the user has disabled them, you can just write:


Or you can disable the skip functionality at all:


Or to return back to default:


Manual skip configuration

If you have really special requirements this package serves you: First you have four ModifierKeys which requirements can be changed in the following:

For each of them there are 3 different modes of Requirement:

Note: if all ModifierRequirements are set to Ignored the confirmation will be skipped by default. You can find these states in the ModifierRequirement enumeration. For skipping there are additionally the following two settings:

There are multiple ways of editing these settings. To edit a single setting run e.g.:

ConfirmationSettings.Control = ModifierRequirement.Required

To change multiple values you can run:

ConfirmationSettings.SetDefaultSkipConfiguration(shift: ModifierRequirement.Ignored, control: ModifierRequirement.Required);

If you want to replace the configuration completely just run:

ConfirmationSettings.SkipConfirmationConfiguration = 
	new SkipConfirmationConfiguration{
		AllowSkip = true,
		Control =  ModifierRequirement.Required,
		Windows = ModifierRequirement.MustNot